Guarantee Return

Shipment is not what you expect?

If our shipment does not meet your expectations return it immediately, at no cost to you. Hand out again courier and not pay anything. Immediately contact our staff and the delivery will be free.

Are you returning for any other reason?

If you wish to return products that you suspect to be faulty, the products must be returned to us, at which time, we will return them to the manufacturer for an official quality check. The original box, as well as any remaining, unopened blister packs, must be returned to us. The products' LOT numbers are printed on this packaging, and this information is essential for the manufacturers to investigate any flaws. In this case, the same return procedure should be followed. If you wish to return a faulty product, it is essential to contact our customer service team first. They will provide you with exact instructions and additional information.

Return is valid only within 60 days of receipt.

For any issues and complaints you can contact our staff at one of the following ways.

Tel: +355 692504859